Scientific Articles

Mapping Intergenerational Masculinities on Instagram

By 16 de July, 2020 No Comments

Mapping Intergenerational Masculinities on Instagram


Amaral, Inês; Santos, Sofia José; Brites, Maria José (2020), Mapping Intergenerational Masculinities on Instagram, in Gao Q., Zhou J. (org.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology and Society. Springer International Publishing, 3-16.

Abstract: Gender identities and roles do not stand alone but rather evolve while
intersecting with other traits, namely age, resulting in cross and hybrid (gender
and age) identities. Media are one of the pivotal formative spaces where audiences learn role models and the way they should express and behave: Therefore, media environments influence the way one perceives and understands age
and gender identities as well as expresses them publicly. Media also promote
(inter)generational contexts given that different age groups organize their technological experience in their own specific ways and interact with different other
generations. This article explores how masculinities are represented in the digital realm, shedding light on intergenerational dynamics and collective hashtag
narratives. Specifically, this article will analyse collective narratives on Instagram
through a hashtag stream, focusing specifically on representations of masculinities and how different generations interact and represent how to be, behave and
express as “a man”.